Family Genre Trope - Poor Guy/Rich Girl Lakorn/Completed Romance Subber - CatAttack

Prakasit Kammathep (2018) / Cupid’s Command


Hayman is a hard working man doing odd jobs to make end meet, he wants to graduate from university to become an occupational therapist. But that dream has to be stumbled when Chan (his father) accepts a baby left in front of the house by a mean mother. Hayman gave up his dream and help his father raise the baby and named him Harit.

Phanita (Namtarn) is the granddaughter of Hem, the billionaire owner of the shoe company. Hem adopted 3 sons, Prakit, Namtarn’s father, nickname Nueng. Phaka, nickname Song has 1 daughter named Lawan, and Tassanai, nickname Saam has one son named Tosanat. All 3 families compete each other over the wealth.

Hayman meets Namtarn and up fixing her shoes, a technique that will land him a job a Hemthong Group Company Limited, which will lead him to meet his real family. (Source: CatAttack)

1 Comment

  1. emily says:

    hello. there’s a problem on loading the link when I click the picture. I think I’ve waited for this lakorn to be subbed. And I am happy to see there is a subber on this one. how can I watch this , P’ ? 🙂 thanks na ka


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