This website may contain copyrighted material, the use of which may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This material is available in an effort to explain issues relevant to the Digital Humanities and foreign language education (e.g. historical, environmental, political, scientific, etc. or) or to illustrate the use and benefits of an educational tool. The material contained in this website is distributed without profit for research and educational purposes. Only small portions of the original work are being used and those could not be used easily to duplicate the original work.

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  • [dis-kley-mer]

1. the act of disclaiming; the renouncing, repudiating, or denying of a claim; disavowal. 2. a person who disclaims. 3. a statement, document, or assertion that disclaims responsibility, affiliation, etc.; disavowal; denial.

  • Lakorn Galaxy is an open online blog. We do not take information that does not belong to us unless otherwise stated. Articles are translated by the admins of lakorngalaxy with proper credits given to the content owner.
  • Images are accessible across multiple sources across the internet within PUBLIC DOMAIN. We in NO WAY, SHAPE, or FORM claim to own the images. We merely using what is found in public domain.
  • If you feel that we are infringing on your copyrighted material in anyway, please contact us with the proper link to said content. WE DO however have to inform you that no media except for some photos are hosted directly on our blog. We merely point to what is found in public domain. We have no direct association with the hosts or entities that are hosting the video contents, unless stated otherwise.

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