Drama Genre Trope - Friends to Lovers Japanese Dramas Mystery Romance

Watashitachi wa Douka Shiteiru (2020) / 私たちはどうかしている

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Adapted from the manga by Ando Natsumi, it tell story about Kougetsu An, a well-established Japanese-style confectionery store where our female lead, Nao’s mother worked and lived is where she met our male lead, Tsubaki. However, after a certain incident, Nao’s mother was accused of murder and is arrested. Because of that, Nao was banned from Kougetsu An. Fifteen years later, Tsubaki revisits a disapproving Nao, which make the two compete at a showdown for their skills. The hateful Tsubaki who once made Nao’s life a crazy mess approached Nao later to marry him since he has yet to notice that his long-lost childhood friend is Nao. How will Nao react to this unexpected proposal?! (Source: MyDramalist)


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