Lakorn/Completed LGMarathon Romance Series Supernatural Transliterator - Always Grumpy Cat

The Sixth Sense (2012)

Subbed by NewCurvey Curvey

Series: The Sixth Senses I ~ The Sixth Senses II

The story revolves around 5 girls. They all were born on the same day and they all were given a gift. It was an extra sense. They have sixth sense. Yanin ( Jie) is the girl with the knowledge. She can read magic cards and she also can talk to spirits. She can close her eyes and her soul would leave her body and communicate with other spirits in their world. Sukhontaros (Ros) can smell the type of spirits they are. For example she can tell if they are sad, angry or want revenge by just there smell. She also does white magic. Netr’s special sense is that she can see spirits. The fact that she can see spirits gets her scared very easily. Karn’s specialty is that she can hear the spirits talk. She can’t see them but she can hear them. That’s why she is always wearing earphones, so she can’t hear them. Her ear would start to hurt after a while or if the spirit is yelling. Kaem has the special sense of touch. If she touches something with her palm then she can tell what it’s been through like a person’s past or who’s the object belongs too. (Credits to crazysimplesandi)

EP01 ~ EP02 ~ EP03 ~ EP04 ~ EP05 ~ EP06 ~ EP07 ~ EP08 ~ EP09 ~ EP10 ~ EP11 ~ EP12 ~ EP13 ~ EP14 ~ EP15 ~ EP16 ~ EP17 ~ EP18 ~ EP19 ~ EP20end. ~ Download


  1. Can you please update this lakorn with eng sub with a link?

  2. Raylin Rivera says:

    Eng subs, please and thank you. ^_^

    1. Sornsuer says:

      It’s up

  3. stephanie says:

    Im not sure if its my device or the link itself but its not working Can you please check if the link is working because when I open the video it says that its been blocked due to copyright

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Which ep? I just check and it was working.

  4. stephanie says:

    It was episode 1 no matter what device had it wouldnt allow me to get on even when i tried the second season

    1. Sornsuer says:

      I just check and it was running fine. I used chrome, and clean out browser history, hopefully that may help.

  5. Athirah says:

    I want to download the videos. Where I can download it with eng subs.

    1. Admin says:

      No downloading

  6. Cat Blaine says:

    The series I wanted to watch is not there ????

    1. Admin says:

      Check again, the eps were there but in black, but we just changed the colors to make it look better.

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