Drama Genre Trope - Marriage Historical Lakorn/Completed Subber - CatAttack Subber - Rainbow

Rak Nakara (2017 ) / Root Of The City

CatAttack and Rainbow Subs

This is a story of political struggle of the Lanna kingdoms, Siam (modern day Thailand), and Mueng Man (modern day Burma/Myanmar) for independence from colonization from the West, and the love story of the brave Lanna Princess Maen Meuang of Chiang Ngern, who will do anything to save her husband, Prince Sukkawong of Chiang Prakham, and preserving her kingdom.  (Source: Rainbow/CatAttack)


  1. Hi, is there any chance that you upload this drama in another streaming please.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Please direct your question to the subber site.

  2. Dear Cat and Rainbow Snubbers,
    Thank you for subbing Rak Nakara. Much appreciated your work. I have been following weekly but I am not able to access episode 3.
    Thought that you might like to know that the link to Ep 3 opens up a blank page. This is different from the other two episodes which I was able to watch.
    Thank you again.
    Kimmy Thai Lakorn Fan

  3. Corrections – I meant to address to Cat and Rainbow Subbers, not snubbers! It was auto corrected by computer, i am sorry.
    Kimmy Thai Lakorn Fan

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Hi! You can ask your question on their blog or FB page.

      1. Thanks Sornsuer. But how can I do that? There don’t seem to be a space to comment when I clicked on the button above to access their site. I thought that’s their blog? I might not be doing it accurately. I don’t do Facebook. Cheers, Kimmy Thai Lakota Fan

        1. Sornsuer says:

          Hi! We already notify the subber. Please wait for updated. Thanks

          1. Kimmy says:

            Dear Sornsuer,
            Thanks for notifying the subbers. I can now access the video. Also, there is now a feedback space to provide comments.
            Much appreciate the passion and hard work of the subbers here.
            Kimmy Thai Lakorn Fan

  4. Thank youuuuu, good work????

  5. where is ep six any one tell plz

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Please direct your question to the Subber site. Thanks.

      1. which is their subber site can you plz tell me thanks

        1. Admin says:

          If you are watching the videos, it means you’re in the subber’s blog. Please, pay attention to the name of the blog on the top of the page.

  6. Moumita Sengupta says:

    When can we watch episode 6 eng sub?

    I am waiting eagerly.

  7. i m heart broken i cant open the links of this drama

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Try clear out your cookies history.

      1. i tried already bt still not opened every time

        1. Sornsuer says:

          There should be an error number, google the error number and follow the instruction to fix it. What kind of error message you are getting?

  8. Elfrida manurung says:


  9. I’m getting this error message: 500 Internal Server Error

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Try clearing history browser.

  10. Where can I watch episode 3 ENG SUB please. I came from myasiantv and I don’t see no episodes here please help! I’ve been waiting to watch

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Click on the image or subber name to direct you to the subber site that subbed this lakorn. If you come from site that reupload, you should also see the subber put their webpage and watermark on their subbed video, so you should know where to look for the right site.

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