Action Drama Lakorn/Completed Mystery Romance

Payu Sai (2021) / Destiny of Us

One channel

Naret, the secondary heir of Phunara Golf Club, must return to Thailand urgently because his half brother Narin, has vanished. He meets Sai, his brother’s personal assistant, who is his unforgettable first love. Together, they embark on the journey to solve his brother’s disappearance. (Source: CatAttack)

Payu Sai OST


  1. Yacoub says:

    Hi, do you know if this will be subbed?

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Click on the image, it will direct you to official channel that sub.

      1. Devi says:

        Thanks so much

      2. Estela says:

        En español sabes donde verla

    2. afidah says:

      Why i can’t watch with eng subtitles?

      1. Sornsuer says:

        This is sub by official channel, available on YT via our link. You need to turn on caption. Only 2 eps are subbed so far.

  2. Yacoub says:

    Thank you for the sub. Excellent job.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      The official channel sub this.

  3. syazazulkifle says:

    why ep 7 there is no sub ????

    1. Sornsuer says:

      There is sub now. This is sub by the official channel, you just have to wait patiently and keep checking. We don’t know when they will upload sub.

  4. albeena says:

    when will ep 10 be subbed?

    1. Sornsuer says:

      You need to ask the official channel.

  5. Mylene Ocampo says:

    Eng sub pls, ???? 10 to 14

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Please stop asking us for sub. This is sub by the official channel, you can ask them at their site.

      1. Mylene Ocampo says:

        I love this movie so much,I want to finish watching with eng sub because I don’t understand,sorry for asking sub..thank u

        1. Sornsuer says:

          There is nothing we can do, we are all waiting too.

  6. Tracey James says:

    Ido not like the fact that the subbing stopped by the ending of the drama. I am reluctant to watch anymore dramas from this station regardless how good they are supposed to be.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Good for you, then don’t watch! Simple.

  7. Nurhima Sabturani says:


  8. Estela says:

    Hola con sub español

  9. Asrinah says:

    Why I click at the pict because I want to continue watching next episode but it say vidwo was remove already??

  10. Asrinah says:

    After a week I stop watching and now I cannot continue watching the next episode because suddenly no video available..what is going on?? Can u please fix this soon as possible?? Or is there any link I can watch with complete english subtitle. Please…please..

    1. Sornsuer says:

      The videos are there, so not sure why you can’t view. This is on YT, subbed by the official channel. I just check the link and all videos are still there.

  11. Lianne says:

    hi, i would like to watch, but there are no video’s available in this play list. Did youtube remove them? Thank you al for your hard work by the way, i follow you on facebook and here sinds the beginning
    kind regards

    Lianne from Holland

    1. Sornsuer says:

      The official channel was hacked few days ago and they are trying their best to restore their site. So keep checking.

  12. eemsjyy says:

    Why are the uploader of this link dont made my country to watch the drama? Sorry

    1. Sornsuer says:

      This is sub directly from One31 channel, you can send your question to them asking why they block your country.


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