Action Drama Genre Trope - Mafia Genre Trope - Tragedy Historical Lakorn/Completed Romance Series Transliterator - Jasmin Lakorn

Mafia Luerd Mungkorn: Hong (2015) / Mafia Dragon Blood Swan

Subbed by Jasmin Lakorn (Rainny, Elly| Aung)

Mafia series: Hong, Suer, Raed, Singha, Bull

Hong is the only daughter of Swan Gang. In addition to her beauty, she is also smart and can kick-butt. However, because she is a girl, some members won’t accept her as their new leader. She is working her way to prove her worthiness. Her beauty and decisive nature catches the eyes of William, the leader of Dragon Gang, the international gang with power in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Thailand. For William, he has found the most suitable person to be the lady of his gang.


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