1. bai her says:

    how do i watch it? i didn’t see any link to watch it.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Click on the image or subber name.

      1. I try clicking on the image and subbed name but it shows me no link to watch. It brings me back to this page only.

        1. Sornsuer says:

          There are many watch with no issue, so we really don’t know why you can’t access. Please try again later.

          1. Nellia Bacani says:

            How can we watch this drama please

          2. Sornsuer says:

            Click on the poster or subber name for link.

        2. Try to change internet browser. I had to change mine to Chrome. When you click the picture, it should pull a new link.

    2. I’m clicking on the poster it isn’t working nooooo

      1. Sornsuer says:

        We really don’t know why some were able to click with no issue. Perhaps it was heavy traffic, maybe try again later?

  2. There is nothing there to click ????.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Click on the poster

  3. lexuh_ry says:

    just letting you know the Netflix link, it doesn’t work. But if you click on the actual photo of the movie it does pop up with the page.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      It work fine.

  4. Linda says:

    I can’t watch it. I click on the pictures, names, every where it won’t let me ???????? I try this whole day already and nothing seem to work.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Are you watching from phone? Try watching on pc?


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