Frequently Asked Questions


a) Ads are needed to keep the video from being deleted of the server.
b) Just click on the X to close it, then click the PLAY button 3 times.
c) Use Chrome/Firefox/Opera

a) Click on the Subber’s name, Channel’s name or picture.
b) Verify the tag/category is under COMPLETED. If it says Incomplete/No Eng Subs,  then there is no link/video.
b) In some cases, episodes are under the synopsis.
c) The picture or the name could have different links, try both.

a) Password for AlwaysGrumpyCat projects are ON HER blog,  read the RULES section of HER blog.
b) For LG projects, Admins post the information and passwords on LG social media FB, IG, TW.

a) Check the tags under synopsis, if it says Incomplete/No Eng Subs, then there's no link/video available.
b) Completed, but no video. Either it's being fixed or we don't have it. Leave a message, we'll let you know.
c) The videos were deleted from the original source. Leave a message, if we have it, we’ll upload it.


b) LG do not sub, we either Transcribe/Edit/Sync/Fix subs or re-upload deleted content.


  1. elle says:


  2. Fahm Saechao says:


    Is there a login sign up? I tried to watch something and it kept asking for login and password.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      What login? Are you on our site or another site?

      1. Yes. When I log onto watch krachao Seeda, it directed me to log into or by username and password.

        1. Admin says:

          Again, you don’t need registration. That might be an ad, just closed it or use Adblock extension in your browser.

  3. Yang Vue says:

    I tried watching a drama on here but it keeps asking for a password but i can’t seem to find it anywhere. I tried the password from the other site but it also didn’t work. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

    1. Admin says:

      You are typing the wrong password. If you read again the questions and their answers, it clearly says where the password is, and if the password it’s not working, it means you are typing it wrong.

      1. Yang Vue says:

        Yup, I found the password. I had to do a lot of searching but I found it sorry for the trouble.

        1. Yda Monica Go says:

          Can you help me with the password

          1. Sornsuer says:

            Are you asking about AGC site? Right in the middle of her page, there is a big cat logo with the word Rules. Go there and read those rules and you will find what you are looking for.

  4. tainapurple says:

    Hello, I would like to translate the Lakorn “Karn La Krang Neung… Nai Hua Jai” with French subtitles, but I can’t find raw Raws. I was wondering if you still had the original episodes so I could translate them, Many of my compatriots do not read English. Thank you for your answer.Have a nice day.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Unfortunately we do not have raw (since we all need Eng sub to watch). You can try Seesan or Bugaboo (paid membership), they may have raw available.

  5. taïnapurple says:

    Thank you for taking the time to answer. I will try. Good evening.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      You’re welcome!

  6. Somehow I am. Not able to access the alwaysgrumpycat.Com site. It displays error as ‘ critical error on this site’s how do i access the lakorns on this site now?

    1. Sornsuer says:

      This has been fixed now. Try again.

  7. I pressed play for video but it’s asking me to down Norton vpn, how do I get pass this to watch video?

    1. You can install Adblock or just look for the X to close the Ad

  8. Aisha says:

    Hey lakorn Galaxy how can i sign in?

    1. Admin says:

      There’s no need to sign in. Just click on the poster or subber’s name to get the playlist or Check below the synopsis for links

  9. Angelfan says:

    I am not able to find the password for works of rainbow subs by falada.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Please read the message on Rainbow page.

  10. Orlanda Villafranca says:

    why is ep 9 samee chuen keun protect i dont know the password, and where do we sign in

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Please read the message on Rainbow page.

  11. Angel31 says:

    Hello subbers, is anyone planning to sub the new drama wala kammathep. Please take this consideration to sub in English.Thankyou

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Yes. Thippy at Ohsweethaven.

  12. Ngn says:

    Do you plan to translate “The Rhythm of Life จังหวะชีวิตลิขิตฝัน”?

    1. Sornsuer says:


  13. I am so grateful for this site. As an American I love all that is Asian and particularly Thai lakorns. Is there a way to watch older Lakorns. I am looking for Phoenix 2004 version but can’t find it subbed anywhere. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks. Patti

    1. Admin says:

      It wasn’t subbed, for other older lakorns, if they were subbed, we might have them already posted. Check out LAKORNS> Fully Subbed section

  14. Shirley says:

    a month ago, I noticed I couldn’t see subtitles on nekoplay on Always Grumpy website, tried 2 browsers. Still no subtitles. Today I am not able to see on WaaW either. I checked the CC settings , seems all okay. Any thoughts to why this is happening?

    1. Admin says:

      Have you tried cleaning your cookies? Also, does that happen on the same lakorn ep or different?

      1. Shirley says:

        Thank you, I will try to clear all cookies. It happens in all Lakorns and any episodes…only Subbers direct website is Neko meow meow and Fa lada

        1. Sornsuer says:

          You can gg your error message, there are direction on how to fix it. Sometimes it just heavy traffic at theirs site, so you have to keep trying.

  15. Patti Desert says:

    Where are the links to click for choosing genres? They used to be on the Home Page. I can’t find them.

    1. We’ve had issues with the blog, so we had to remove it. An Admin will try to install it again soon .

  16. vidu says:

    i wanted to ask, if u guys will put alternatives to links lakorns?, i am not able to open it shows ‘vpn detected’ any tips on how to get rid of this? thank u

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Which lakorn?

  17. Hello! Trying to watch Massaya 2000 version and getting this error: HLS.js error:networkError – fatal: true – manifestLoadError.

    I was able to watch the first episode but no other episodes will load now.

    I have cleared my cookies and cache, exited and got back into Lakorn, but still will not play. Any ideas?

    Thank you!

    1. Sornsuer says:

      It maybe your internet connection issue. GG on how to fix it.

  18. Hi. My files got deleted recently and had no back up. Do you still have the links for Love Destiny’s uncut version with 40 episodes? Would greatly appreciate it if you could re-share.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      Yes we have, will load them later when we can.

  19. can someone sub the lakorn love in a cage 2023

    1. Sornsuer says:


  20. redxxxcrimson says:

    blondie in Ancient time ep 19 isnt working , can u pls fix it ?

    1. Sornsuer says:

      There’s alternate link

  21. Sophie says:

    Hi, I wanted to watch Jamluey Gamathep (2009). I clicked on the link “Subbed by Starsubbing….”, but was directed to a “this blog is open to invited readers only”. Is there something I need to do to join the blog to access the lakorn? Thanks!

    1. Sornsuer says:

      All episodes reloaded. Thanks for letting us know.

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