OhSweetHaven The story begins in 1969 when Shane Phananchoeng, a hot-tempered young man, goes to the border patrol. One day he returns to his homeland, Ban Pa Puen Taek (Pha Puen Taek village), but had …
Sai Lohit (2018)
Subbed by Thippy – OhSweetHaven Krai comes from a family of soldiers and has spent most of his life fighting in battles and wars for his country. Dao is the youngest daughter of a prominent …
Chuamong Tong Mon (2018) / The Magical Hour
Subbed by OhSweetHaven Mark, the gay CEO of an entertainment company, is killed and is given 100 days as a ghost to settle his unfinished business. Cin is a kind shy woman who lives a …