Comedy Drama Genre Trope - LGBT Lakorn/Completed Romance

The Trainee (2024)


“Ryan, a young man with a passion for using his brain and hands to change the world in a 2-minute commercial, interns as an assistant director and meets Jane, an assistant director who assigns him to be Ryan’s mentor. On the first day, Jane turns the energetic Ryan into a nobody. He doesn’t teach, doesn’t order, and doesn’t care about Ryan at all, no matter how hard Ryan tries to show his face and body. Ryan’s suffering is shared with his fellow interns this year, including Bamee, AE, and Tae, editing, a couple who chose to intern here because they wanted to be together; Pa, art, and Pie, production.

On the first day, Ryan learns that the working world is not like the image he dreamed of. Ryan decides to fight on. Even though Jane doesn’t care, he tries his best to fight. Until Jane starts giving him small tasks. Even though it’s not what he expected, Ryan feels the beginning. His goal now is to win over Jan. What will happen to the interns and their relationships with their mentors in the next 3 months? (Source: GMMTV/Viu)


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