Club Friday Lakorn/Completed Transliterator - Lakorn Galaxy

Club Friday The Series 14 Love & Belief | Love Matching (2023)

Viu / Change2561

Club Friday Love & Belief | Love Tragedy || Certificate Love || 7 Year Itch || Our Promise || 3 Of Us || Love Matching || Traditional Love || It is Destiny || The Signal || God’s Gift

 Love Matching tells the story of matchmaking and romance which is decided by the prophecy to be protected forever. This love prediction is being experienced by Pai, a cute chef instructor who turns out to be in love with Ping, a handsome man who believes in Horoscopes. If women usually believe in such predictions more than men, but this does not apply to this pair. (Source: Viu)

Nserver || EP01 ~ EP02 ~ EP03 ~ EP04end.



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