Club Friday Love & Belief | Love Tragedy || Certificate Love || 7 Year Itch || Our Promise || 3 Of Us || Love Matching || Traditional Love || It is Destiny || The Signal || God’s Gift
Mei has never been anyone’s exclusive girlfriend in all her life. Every time she falls in love with a man, she ends up being a homewrecker in his relationship. Mei works in customer service department and is involved in a relationship with Tew, a married colleague. Due to Tew’s marital status, Tew agrees to give 12 hours during the daytime to Mei and the other 12 hours to his wife. Mei is unhappy with the agreement but cannot get herself to leave Tew because of love.
Mei solves her love issues with Tew by dating Atom, a man who shares her career at another company. Since Atom already has a girlfriend, Mei asks Atom to spend time with her only at night when Tew isn’t available. Instead of feeling fulfilled by two men, Mei wonders why she isn’t truly happy.
A fortune teller once told Mei that she broke many men’s hearts in her previous life, causing her to pay for her karma by always being someone’s homewrecker. It hurts to stay in these complicated relationships but both men refuse to let Mei go. Will Mei succumb to her double love triangles, or will she walk out to find her true love? (Source: Viu)