Drama Genre Trope - Past Life/Reincarnation Genre Trope - Poor Guy/Rich Girl Genre Trope - Rich Guy/Poor Girl Historical Lakorn/Incompleted Romance Subber - Subber's Paradise

Sataya Thit Tarn (2019) / A Sacred Promise

Subbers Paradise

Thod is a slave that falls in love with his master’s daughter, Khun Nim. Their love is not only impossible, but forbidden. Thod is punished to death. Before his life is taken, Thod utters a prayer for a better life. A declaration that his new life will be filled with equal status and rights as the woman he loves. In his new life as Pakin, as a child he is able to recall details of his past life. His mother sends him abroad hoping to erase any memories of his life centuries ago. Upon his return to Thailand, his memories become more vivid and he embarks on a mission to win back the woman he loved centuries ago. However, does his dying declaration guarantee he will end up with the woman he loved? (Source: Bobaddicts)


  1. Rania says:


  2. I badly want to Watch this.But its getting subbed so slowly that i am afraid we will only get 1 episode subbed per year.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      We do too, but the subbers are busy, so we will have to wait.

  3. hi, why i only can access until ep 9. How to watch the rest of episodes. Thank You.

    1. Sornsuer says:

      The subber haven’t finish subbing the rest of the ep yet


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