“Mothers in Love” follows the lives of three mothers, who have sons that attend the same school. An Ishiwatari lived with her husband and son. Her husband worked at a travel agency and An Ishiwatari lived in comfort. Her life changed after her husband went missing. An Ishiwatari now raises her son alone and sends him to a prestigious high school. Yuko Hayashi is a successful career woman. Her husband is an unpopular novelist and he takes care of their home. Their son is a high school student. Yuko Hayashi’s family seems to run smoothly, but she worries about her son. Mari Kanbara lives with her husband and they have 3 children (1 son and 2 daughters). Her son attends the same prestigious high school as the sons of An Ishiwatari and Yuko Hayashi and her husband works at a law firm. Mari Kanbara appears to have an enviable life, but her husband is having an affair. Mari Kanbara is unable to even blame him for his infidelity. (Source: AsianWiki)